Solved: Hard-to-treat odor emissions from innovative wood processing company
A company in the Netherlands invented a new process to treat wood to achieve particular properties. Unfortunately, the treatment results in high pollutant emissions, causing odor problems with the neighbors. These filed complaints to the local authorities which forced the company to install a treatment. They tried different technologies, like activated carbons or alumina beads impregnated with potassium permanganate, but none worked.
The problem.
The problem is the extreme concentration of pollutants (3400 ppm). These are also difficult compounds to remove, as they are mostly composed by pinenes, limonene, hexanoic and heptanoic acids. In addition, the local authorities require an odor removal of 90 %.
The solution.
We chose the Ozonetech RENA Pro B3 ozone system in combination with the Nodora AOP UV reactor. The combination of ozone and UV is known as advanced oxidation due to the synergy between these two components, increasing the efficacy of the treatment. Since this case was very difficult to solve, we designed a custom-made reactor based on their needs. We incorporated the most powerful UV lamps for air treatment available on the market, to maximize the effect.
The customer is very satisfied by the results. Almost no odor is emitted from the process, and the management is confident to continually reach the 90% odor reduction.