Visit us at FoodTech 2016
We welcome all new and current clients to our stand at the inspiring FoodTech in Herning (Denmark) 1-3 November 2016.
Our stand, L 9032, is located in Hall L by the farther passage between Hall M and K.
You can also view our unique RENA Vivo A-series ozone system for Food & Hygiene Solutions. A scalable system solution that suits many applications.
Ask us about the configuration of the system, our market leading ozone generators and about all the advantages that our solutions introduced in the dairy and beverage industry.
Fråga oss om systemets konfiguration, hur våra ozongeneratorer är marknadsledande och framför allt vilka fördelar som våra system introducerar inom mejeri- och bryggeriindustrin.
Looking forward seeing you!