Mellifiq’s solution on national TV news coverage
Our solution for pharmaceutical residue treatment of our most recent micropollutant removal projects with Klippans municipality was on the Swedish national news.
Mellifiq has during the last year successfully designed, produced, and executed a project for removing pharmaceutical residues and other micropollutants from the wastewater of the city of Klippan located in the south of Sweden, with more than 95% removal rate. The system comprises of a unique combination of membrane filtration, ozonation and filtration.
We are now moving to the next phase with process design of a full-scale plant to be able to treat more than 15 kg of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) which is currently being released into the water recipient every year, equivalent to more than 150 thousand painkiller pills passing through the current wastewater treatment plant.
Visit SVT’s website to see the full article (Swedish).
Link: svt.se