Mellifiq news on current and archived projects, press releases, and events.

Pharmaceutical wastewater treatment
Ozonetech Systems OTS AB has in recent weeks been conducting lab scale ozone treatment of highly contaminated process water levels from an industry. The water was treated with a patented AOP technology (advanced oxidation process) adapted for waters with very high COD levels. The goal of the pilot run is to use observations to construct […]

The commercial kitchen guide
There are over 20,000 commercial kitchens and restaurants in Sweden. Almost all are “energy thieves”. They emit hot and poorly purified air instead of clean air with and energy and heat recycling. Thus, they lose thousands of dollars annually. Among the main reasons for air purification of exhaust from commercial kitchens, restaurants and caterers are: […]

Pharmaceutical wastewater effluent
Ozone Tech Systems OTS AB has on behalf of a major pharmaceutical company performed lab scale wastewater treatment tests on one of the company’s process effluent. The tests were very successful with over 30 % better results than our theoretical studies and calculations anticipated. Next step in this project will be designing, manufacturing and commissioning […]

Seminar for Swedish ventilation association
SEMINAR 12 MAY: OZONE TREATMENT FOR COMMERCIAL KITCHEN OFF-GAS TREATMENT TIPS ON HOW TO SUCCEED Stefan Lindskog, Ozone Tech Systems OTS AB, has a seminar for Swedish Ventilation Association (Svensk Ventilation) in cooperation with Energy & Environmental Technical Association (Energi & Miljötekniska föreningen). Ventilation in commercial kitchens release huge amount of energy which goes to […]

Pharmaceutical wastewater treatment
We have been, in cooperation with a large university in Sweden, running tests with ozone treatment of effluent water from two water treatment plants, containing antiviral drugs. The objective was to study the effect of ozone on the degradation of substances and formation of metabolites. A further objective was to investigate whether the type of […]

Nordbygg 2014 — 1-4 April
Two years has passed since last Nordbygg and a lot has happened. We have widened and improved our product portfolio and have even more to offer our clients and partners in air purification and water treatment. For that reason we will be exhibiting in two booths: A04:50 and A43:11 this year! You can find our […]

Real estate expo 2014
Visit us in space H09 at Realty Owner Expo in Malmö Sweden. Meet our skilled engineers to discuss your needs regarding air and water treatment with ozone. You can also find a selection of ozone generators, ozone sensors/monitors and other intreresting accessories in our space which might be useful for installations suited for e.g. commercial kitchens, and […]

New and bigger facilities
Ozone Tech Systems OTS AB expands its production. As you might have noticed, we have expanded rapidly during the past few years and it was now time to move to new facilities. As of January 2014, our offices, warehouse and production nas moved to south of Stockholm. Phone numbers, mail and web addresses will still […]

Jonas Nyhlén, new director of operations
Ozone Tech Systems OTS AB recruits another senior position. To meet increased demand OTS strengthens the organization by hiring Jonas Nyhlén as Director of Operations. – Jonas extensive knowledge in chemistry will strengthen the company’s position as a reliable partner for air purification and water treatment. One of his most important tasks will be to […]

Elmia realty owner expo
Visit us at EMLIA Fastighet 2013 and talk to some of our skilled colleagues. You can discuss and ask questions regarding air purification and water treatment with ozone, and also get advice on how our products can be used for your specific application. This year, there will also be a big focus on ozone in […]