Mellifiq news on current and archived projects, press releases, and events.

Mellifiq expands global reach with delivery to 55th country
The order, consisting of multiple high-performance ozone systems including oxygen supply will secure safe water supply for the coming years.

Reducing grease and odor for the world’s largest fast food company
Fast food giant McDonald’s places more orders for several RENA Commercial Kitchen systems to ensure clean kitchen exhaust ducts, reduce fire risk and for purification of outgoing exhaust air from three new restaurants in Finland.

Contract signed for new de-centralized drinking water facility
The new plant will provide de-centralized drinking water for the region’s Northern less populated urban areas.

Mellifiq is delivering to a large biogas facility in Uppsala
Sulfur removal key to securing sustainable biogas in Uppsala

Launch of activated carbon page on
Visit our newly launched page dedicated in helping you find the right activated carbon for your application.

Commissioning of Californian rainwater treatment system
Mellifiq delivered a flexible turn-key, yet compact system, with flexible operational characteristics to combat the required demands.

Mellifiq is attending Nordbygg 2022
Mellifiq is attending several exhibitions during 2022, and we start with Nordbygg.

Mellifiq announce two new multi million-Euro projects to be delivered during 2022
Starting 2022 with many new and exciting projects

Mellifiq attends the AHR 2022 Expo and the ASHRAE Winter conference
Las Vegas was the destination for the AHR 2022 Expo and the ASHRE Winter conference.