On site pharma treatment in Germany
Having treated and removed micro residues from wastewater for the past 20 years we have over the years experienced a significant rise of contamination in wastewater of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API).
Even at small daily volumes, the chemically stable APIs cause substantial problems for central, municipal wastewater treatment plants, requiring local industries to treat the waste on-site.
It is therefore very satisfying to experience a rise in the pharmaceutical industry taking better responsibility for its discharged wastewater. With our latest contract, Mellifiq solidifies our position as a leading API removal provider for the pharmaceutical industry.
Our latest client, a major pharmaceutical producer in Germany, grappled with stricter limitations, imposed by local authorities, regulating the levels of antibiotic residues in its discharged wastewater. Our technical project team quickly designed an API removal solution with our turn-key Ozonetech RENA ozone system to solve the problem.