Ozonetech delivers complete micropollutant solution
We are now designing and constructing a complete solution for pharmaceutical residues-otherwize known as micropollutants-for a major hospital in Sweden. Ozonetech was awarded the project due to the unique engineering and design capabilities accrued from many years of development and implementation of ozone based API (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients) systems.
In addition to our turn-key RENA Vivo water system, the project includes pre-filtration, pumping and buffer tank to ensure smooth and stable treatment results. The containerized system (please see image below) will treat raw wastewater and subsequently release it back to the wastewater network for transport to the wastewater treatment plant. The project also includes inactivation and control of antibiotic resistant bacteria.
Due to the above average medication of hospital patients compared to the population as a whole, the wastewater contains elevated levels of API. The on-site installation has been preceded by pilot projects carried out by Ozonetech in collaboration with the hospital environmental management team.
If you are interested in treating your muncipal or industrial wastewater effluent, contact us today. We carry out engineering, consulting, pilot project and on-site implementation. Read more about this subject at our web pages.