Sustainable fish farming in recirculated systems
In September/October 2015 specialists, researchers and fish farmers worldwide gathers in Norway for NordicRAS – a conference and workshop in recirculation systems.
Ozone has a natural place in this application area and contributes to improved water quality and an effective reduction of colloidal particles.
Recirculation sets high demands on water treatment and this is one of the challenges discussed at the conference. Ozonetech will participate and share its experiences from a number of successful RAS-projects in the Nordic region.
Fish farming provides jobs – especially in remote regions, economic growth, and fish to both the domestic and export market. At the same time large-scale traditional fish farming in open bags results in high emissions of phosphor and nitrogen. Fish farming employing recirculation technology (RAS) consequently establishes itself rapidly as a sustainable alternative – both within and outside the EU.
The photo above shows sustainable aquaculture (RAS) in closed recirculated systems with ozone and oxygen treatment