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Pharmaceutical Residues Treatment
Actions are taken all over the world to handle the increasing health issues caused by pharmaceutical residues. Ozone treatment has the capacity to remove the residues emitted from hospitals and the pharma industry.

RENA Water Treatment Solutions
This is the ultimate guide to finding out how our turn-key RENA Vivo and RENA Tellus systems are designed. It also introduces the RENA Vitro concept for AOP, Advanced Oxidation Processes for complex wastewater treatment.

RENA Pro Ozone Systems
RENA Pro is state-of-the-art. For us, this means three things. The treatment capacity is extremely high. The component quality is consistently high in the smallest detail – which ensures long system lifetime with sustained performance. And last but not least, the system is user-friendly.

Breweries & beverage production
For any size breweries and beverage production, we will help reach a more gentle environmental footprint, reduce chemical costs and handling, ensure best possible process water quality and improve your production uptime. Read more in the brochure what we can offer you.

Ozone sanitation for dairies
The dairy industry is water intense enterprise. With high quality requirements to meet the best possible standards in dairy product quality, ozone can be used to reclaim massive amounts of water which is otherwise discarded. Along with CIP processes, cheese brine is a well-established method to control microbial growth.

Food & Hygiene
A food or hygiene products plant uses ample water that needs to be sanitized or reused. There are also plenty of CIP applications where Ozonetech provides a multitude of solutions for your plant. Why not use the best sanitizing method available?

Pilot projects for tailored treatment of wastewater
Virtually all industries and businesses release contaminated water. In many cases it consists of a unique composition of hard-to-break-down materials that can’t be broken down by biological processes.

Effective treatment of industrial air emissions is a challenging task
Each process is unique and so are the emissions coming out of the stack. Meticulous in-house pilot tests are needed to find the optimal air treatment solution.

H2S and odor removal at biogas plants
One of the challenges of biogas plants is the strict requirement of H2S removal after the anaerobic digestion stage, before upgrading. Another constant source of concern is the odors emitted from the biogas plant. Today, both can be solved effectively, and green. Let us help you.

BPR REACH – Do you produce ozone in your business?
Then you must follow the new EU regulations, REACH and BPR. We put together some information to help you decide if you need or not need to take action. We also offer services to manage these processes.

Reliable, easy to handle and top-performing ozone solution
RENA Pro is state-of-the-art. For us, this means three things. The treatment capacity is extremely high. The component quality is consistently high in the smallest detail – which ensures long system lifetime with sustained performance.

Odor reduction for biogas plants
A biogas plant produces a lot of smells in its operations. For example, at the reception, sorting, hygienization, digestion, discharge, etc. These smells often disturb the adjacent areas and may also be harmful to those in the plant. The RENA Pro system offers an effective solution. Download the brochure to read more.

Kitchen Exhaust Guide Part 1
This is a basic introduction to why the kitchen duct air should be treated: making energy recovery possible, reducing odors, minimizing duct cleaning costs and close to eliminating the risk of fire.

Kitchen Exhaust Guide Part 2
The Part 2 explains differences between high- and low performance air treatment solutions. The guide also illustrates installation principles and lists 20 key factors to consider to ensure a successful installation.

The RENA system solution for air treatment in commercial kitchens
Read this brochure when you have decided to take a closer look at ozone air treatment in commercial kitchens. It presents the system parts, sizing guidelines and specifications.

High-performance or low-performance ozone systems?
Oxygen-fed or air-fed ozone generator? What’s the differences, and do they matter? (The EU thinks it matters and have acted accordingly).

The new EU standard – a step closer sustainable commercial kitchens
The EN 16282 standard for commercial kitchen ventilation was released in autumn 2017. This leaflet comments on the new regulations for the major duct air treatment methods. Before choosing treatment method, take a minute to read this.

The grease must be removed
Do you want to maximize the energy recovery from your commercial kitchen? The trick is to continuously remove the fat from the duct air before it reaches the heat exchanger. This is the how-to-guide.

Innovative modular system for effective odor removal
Nodora is our latest air treatment innovation with a highly modularized design for all types of odor problems. Nodora complements our RENA family with high grade air polishing for a wide range of air flows and loads.

Kitchen exhaust treatment in shopping centers
Many shopping centers have chosen to install our systems and one much appreciated benefit is that multiple restaurants can be served by one RENA ozone system.

Effective treatment of industrial air emissions is a challenging task
Each process is unique and so are the emissions coming out of the stack. Meticulous in-house pilot tests are needed to find the optimal air treatment solution.

H2S and odor removal at biogas plants
One of the challenges of biogas plants is the strict requirement of H2S removal after the anaerobic digestion stage, before upgrading. Another constant source of concern is the odors emitted from the biogas plant. Today, both can be solved effectively, and green. Let us help you.

Mold and odor removal
Mold spores not only cause stale and bad odor, but is also a source of ill health and allergies. In poorly ventilated areas with increased humidity, the mold can easily attach and cause inconvenience a long time before it is visible to the eye. Our ACT 3000 and ACT 5000 ozone generators can handle the problem.

Fresh garbage rooms without odor and cooling
Garbage rooms, garbage sorting rooms and similar spaces naturally suffer from bad odors. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Download the folder, it includes a cost comparison for the major solutions available on the market. Not surprisingly, ozone takes care of the odors at much lower cost than the alternatives.

Odorless deaeration from grease trap
Fat and bacterial formation in the grease trap can cause major odor problems. This brochure tells how the problems can be quickly reduced, and how to install the ozone system.

Pump stations and treatment plants
Bacteria growth in wastewater can lead to unpleasant and malignant gases under acid-free conditions. Two examples are hydrogen sulfide in pump stations and treatment plants. The area surrounding a pump house or water treatment plant is also affected. It is not rare that people living nearby are affected by the odors.

Offprint – The refugees who became pioneers in environmental technology
This six page article is about Ozonetech’s history, the Gilanpour brother’s strong entrepreneurial side, their innovative technique and the prize received for Entrepreneur of the Year from His Majesty King Carl XVI Gustaf at the Royal Castle in Stockholm.

Offprint – article about the prestigious installation of 25 RENA systems at Mall of Scandinavia
Extensive four-page article by the journalist Dagmar Zitkova complete with photos.

The Keep Sweden Clean campaign gave rise to the Ozonetech vision
The long-running Swedish campaign “Keep Sweden clean” was an early impression for the Gilanpour brothers when arriving to their new country.

A compact where-to-use-ozone guide
Ozone is a multi-talented strong oxidant, making the world more sustainable. This brochure gives a brief overview of where to use ozone – and for what purposes.

Hose directory
A complete guide to our hoses and parts we use for our ozone systems.

Myths about UV treatment for kitchen exhausts
This paper presents different methods using UV light for removing odors and grease emitted from kitchen exhausts and five common myths about UV treatment – still affecting today ‘s market – are presented.

Technologies comparison for hydrogen sulfide (H2S) removal
This white paper presents a comparison between two technologies – adsorption and catalytic oxidation – with considerations relevant for choosing the most cost effective method.

Welcome to HELS – Reliable, efficient and electrode-free ozone technology
Did you know our ozone technology is unique and offers the most compact ozone generators on the market? This white paper highlights the key features of what make our systems and products special.

Design of High Efficiency Ozone Water Systems – Key Factors for Success
Ozone water treatment is a growing market. However, many factors need to taken into consideration in order to truly succeed with implementation, reliable results and highest possible efficiency. Ozonetech delivers complete turn-key systems with all aspects of high performance considered. Read about how we do it in this fresh white paper.

12 months report from McDonald’s, Kivikko Finland
The report is produced by Are Oy, a Finnish building and maintenance services company. It provides photos taken at four occasions of kitchen ducts without our ozone treatment, before and after manual cleaning by Are Oy. It also provides photos at the same four occasions of the ducts where our ozone treatment has been installed. The difference is obvious.

NOx emissions and HNO3 formation: air pollution with analysis of air-fed ozone generators
This report reviews the hazard posed by NOx air emissions, with particular attention on the potential contribution of air-fed ozone generators.

Literature Evaluation of Corona Discharge Ozone Generator By-products
At the request of Ozonetech, Exponent International Ltd has performed a literature evaluation of the typical by-products produced following the generation of ozone by corona discharge.

Environmental Protection Agency – Water Treatment Manual: Disinfection
Disinfection of drinking water world wide is performed at high stakes. This benchmarking report compares all currently available disinfection technologies today. It can be confirmed by these independent studies that ozone is the most efficient commercially available disinfection method today. The report quantifies the key performance indicators and gives an overview of technical challenges pertaining to all covered technologies.

World Health Organization – Water Treatment and Pathogen Control
This WHO report discusses factors for success for most effectively eliminating various pathogens in drinking water, which pose severe problems for populations world wide. Ozone is highlighted as a safe, proven and reliable method for eliminating the complete spectrum of pathogens.